American Horror Story: Hotel, A Little Party Never Killed Anyone...Or Maybe it Did

[vc_row][vc_column width="2/3"][vc_single_image image="79472" img_size="full"][title type="subtitle-h6"]© Copyright 2015, FX Networks. All rights reserved.[/title][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Obviously whoever said that had never been invited to Devil’s Night at the Hotel Cortez.  Mr. James March makes a point to welcome the “Mount Rushmore of Murder”, one of whom is the Milwaukee-native Jeffrey Dahmer.  Dahmer gets a fair amount of screen time too with his party favor, whom he kills and makes into a sex-slave zombie.  I’m glad Wisconsin could be represented in such a positive way.Besides Dahmer, the only female serial killer gets a lot of face time: Aileen Wuornos.  Wuornos, after seeing Detective Lowe take his first alcoholic drink in years, decides to make his acquaintance and possibly murder him.  She does a fairly decent job, until Lowe breaks free and handcuffs her to the toilet.  But she disappears, as all ghostly entities can do, and leaves Lowe to his own imagination.Here are some other key points from the episode:

1) Ghosts carry around their driver’s licenses

Apparently Aileen needs to have her state-issued license on her dead person, which is how Lowe figures out she’s not just an imposter.  This makes me wonder if she gets an extremely low rate on her car insurance...being dead and all.

2)  Alex doesn’t care about Scarlett at all

Alex brings home Holden after she finds him in the hotel.  Obviously something is up with him, and I would say the biggest red flag was when mistook the dog for a juice box.  Alex takes him back to the hotel, where she crosses paths with the Countess.  The Countess offers her immortality, and Alex barely hesitates before she accepts the offer.  Hey Alex, what are you going to do about your first born?  Also, you’re a doctor and around blood all the time.  Let’s think these huge life decisions through first before we act, honey.

3)  Now we know why Mrs. Evers is so weird about blood-stained sheets

Mrs. Evers and Lowe have a heart-to-heart about their mutual loss of sons, though Mrs. Evers seems to do most of the talking.  She tells Lowe how she made her son a ghost costume out of a sheet, and he was abducted when she wasn’t paying attention.  The poor boy was murdered, and all the police could find of his remains was the blood-spattered sheet that was his ghost costume.  Eighty-five years later, Mrs. Evers is still crazily trying to get the blood stains out of the sheets.

One really neat aspect of this episode was how they juxtaposed red and blue light; the red filter was usually used during lively scenes full of murder, and the blue filter was used during melancholy and disorienting scenes.  The dinner party was all painted in red, and when Lowe woke to Sally shaking him, the scene was in blue.  This also occurred when Lowe met Wuornos for the first time; he was sitting at the bar having a lively chat (red) when Wuornos walked in and talked about her life as an abused prostitute (blue).  Add this to the already disorienting camera angles, and we are really cooking with oil now.My prediction that we were going to hear more from Sally this week wasn’t true, but I hope she gets some back story soon.  I got a nice fill of March, which I thoroughly enjoyed; Evan Peters has grown up so fast, going from Tate the Teenage Ghost to Creepy Mustachioed March in five meer seasons.  I hope that we see Alex slip up in her new role as a vampire, because I don’t really like her and I think karma should get back at her; she did leave her husband and daughter to be superhuman, after all.  I also think we are going to see a lot more of Donovan and Iris next week, and see how Iris’ new role as a vampire is suiting her.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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