American Horror Story: Hotel, Love Comes at the Price of Death

[vc_row][vc_column width="2/3"][vc_single_image image="79427" img_size="full"][title type="subtitle-h6"]© Copyright 2015, FX Networks. All rights reserved.[/title][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Episode three of American Horror Story: Hotel is all about that blood price: what would one do for love?  Well, blood seems to be the response, now doesn’t it?Alex Lowe’s character finally gets some development in this episode, and the first thing we find out is that she hates kids...but she’s a pediatrician?  Wrong career choice, girlfriend.  However, she has a creepy obsession with her son and she can’t stop sniffing him.  When Holden is taken from her life, she tries to end hers with no luck.  TG for Detective Lowe, otherwise Alex would never have been reunited in a dimly lit hallway with her lavender vampire of a son.Tristan also seems to be willing to kill for love; he seduces Will Drake and pulls a knife on him.  Luckily, the Duchess spares him, for now at least.  “Will Drake can’t die until after I marry him and take every goddamn penny,” she proclaims to Tristain.  Looks like Mr. Will Drake may have to get a pre-nup ready, because we have a gold digger on our hands.  The main obstacle, though, is that he’s good luck taming that stallion, Duchess.A bit more of a stretch with the blood price theme, but there has been another Ten Commandment murder; this homicide takes place in a gossip column office, and a woman’s tongue is nailed to the desk.  This follows the commandment “thou shall not bear false witness” and Detective Lowe cleverly notes that gossip columnists sure love their fake stories.  Enough to die for them?  Probably not, but hindsight is 20/20 in Heaven, I guess.The Duchess shows she’s willing to throw down for her lover; she turns a movie star into a vampire, and when the woman falls in love with another man, Lady Gaga goes HAM.  She kills everyone in less than five minutes, but spares the new vampire the anguish of living without her love forever.  How kind of her.  I also got a kick out of Angela Bassett’s character calling the Lady Gaga the “Queen Bee.”  Excuse me, that’s Beyonce.Last, but certainly not least, we have Iris’ attempt at suicide because Donovan hates her.  She enlists the help of Sally--whom she had pushed out the window in episode one, if you recall--and it seems like Iris is finally at peace.  That is, until Donovan realizes how awful a son he was and comes back to make up.  He finds her dead, so what does he decide to do?  Make her a vampire.  Solid life choices, Donovan.Besides the blood price, here are some key points from the episode:

  1. Schmidt is now pushing up daisies, but not without calling Sally a whore first.  Rude.
  2. Alex wants a divorce from Lowe, but he takes that as “let’s go back to my room, make out, and talk about having more children because I love you”.
  3. Sally makes a snide remark about the Ten Commandments in front of Lowe.  He tries to arrest her, but Sally seduces him with the help of flickering elevator lights and the morph-suit guy.
  4. James March calls the hotel his “murder house.”  That’s all.

For next episode, I predict that Alex will follow Holden around and figure out what he’s doing in the Hotel Cortez.  I think Donovan is going to immediately regret his decision to turn his mother into a vampire; the Duchess will not be pleased, we have evidence saying that’s against the rules.  I hope to see more of James March because I find him to be the most fascinating character of all.  I also hope that episode four is all about Sally, and maybe then we will learn why she’s crying in every scene.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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