World Ender

Written by Meg RuoccoPhotography by Calder Sell How do you mourn a titanI’m not asking for a friend.  How do you watch your truth crumble to myth, a Kronos hacked to pieces like his Father he detested, harvested by the same scythe.  I used to orbit around the planets you made with your feet sang songs of worlds built and kept by you wrapped myself in cocoons spun from the leaking gold of your fingertips.  I used to be your prophet scraped my heels against cracked earthpicked dirt from underneath the crescent moons of my nails wiped the sea off my forehead with the backs of my hands and told stories of you.  A year ago you held me in an empty stairwell and told me it wasn’t my fault three months later you told me to stop playing the victim.   I didn’t respond to your last email didn’t press flesh to keys, send hope fluttering to an inbox, no. I will not walk into a pyre and offer myself to a false god.


The Valuables


History Has its Eyes on You