Behind a Name

Written by Marissa BeatyPhotography by Noah Laroia-Nguyen You asked me my name.I told you it was of the sea,and felt driven to explain–by the slight tilt of your head–how it was a name that was more than a name,that it rolled off your tonguelike waves crashingagainst bare ankles.I had enteredthe world just like that: expected, yet quicker than planned, as thoughI was ready for the worldjust not it for me.I continued to explainhow it was given to me by another.Though my parents are the oneswho assigned me to it,it was truly given to meby a girl born to save her sister:born with a purpose.And because of that I explained how I felt drivento find a similar purpose,to make a use of my namejust as as she did.You looked at me and spokein a voice as qiet  quiet as a whisperand as accusatory as a gun“I only asked for your name.”




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