Thank You, Spring 2020
The semester is coming to a close. As we turn in our last exams and close the tabs to that final group project, we want to take a moment to appreciate all that this team has accomplished this past year. Though it hasn’t ended how we expected, the work that each of these team members has put into Illumination, and the killer magazine that has come out of it, is well worthy of praise. In honor of this final chapter for Spring 2020, each of our staff members came up with what they love most about Illumination, in the hope that it will inspire you to join our ranks, get creative, or simply just appreciate great art.
All graphics for this article have been made by the incredibly talented Hannah Neubauer
Eliana Wasserman, Editor-in-Chief
“I love illumination because it has allowed me to take on a leadership position in a creative space. I have met such amazing people through Illumination, and am so thankful for all the support that I have gotten throughout my time here! I have also discovered so many new passions thanks to the roles that I have taken on at Illumination. I encourage anyone to join Illumination and explore their own passions!”
Madeline Rasmussen, Marketing Director
“Illumination Journal is truly a unique and innovative publication that I have come to be incredibly passionate about. Art and journalism, two of my biggest loves, are happily fused at Illumination, and it has been very fulfilling to learn from the practices of both writers and artists alike. As the Marketing Director, I feel a sense of accomplishment managing the voice and image of the magazine. Everyday I am learning real skills that I can apply to my professional interests!”
Kayla Wasserman, Art Editor
Being an art editor for Illumination has been a great opportunity to use my visual analysis skills from my Art History major in a practical way. I love engaging with art from our student body and helping to curate each semester's art show. In addition, this position has been an incredible asset to my resume and career path. anyone who is interested in curatorial practice and art should consider applying to this position.”
Hannah Neubauer, Graphic Designer
Illuminations Journal was such a fun publication to work for this year. Creating graphics to pair along with these amazing stories was both inspiring and challenging. I loved the support system of everyone on staff and the passion everyone brought to the publication. I’m excited to see what is to come for the publication!
Marissa Beaty, Digital Editor
"Illumination is such an incredible magazine to be a part of. The people are so talented and amazing to work with. Throughout my time here, I have been given the opportunity and freedom to explore my own interests and talents within the art world working on editorial pieces about my favorite artists, or short poems about life, whatever you do here, you will have a space to grow and express yourself. I can’t imagine my life without this experience.”
Dave Riser, Prose Editor
"It's great to be able to work with so many talented undergrad writers and artists. Not only do I have the opportunity to help showcase excellent work from my classmates, but the other editors in Illumination are inspiring."
Tori Tiso, Poetry Editor
“I love being a part of Illumination because I’m able to connect with people who are passionate about showcasing the incredible talent of the students at UW-Madison. Illumination is a space to champion creators and it’s rewarding to see their work being published. The staff of Illumination is supportive and imaginative, creating a welcoming space for those involved. As a Poetry Editor, I love being a part of the literary community through hosting events and building relationships with those who come to participate.”
Adi Dina, Art Editor
Being the arts editor of Illumination exposed me to so many incredible artists on campus. As an art history major, it was really inspiring to engage with the work of fellow students and publish their work in a free and accessible magazine!
We would also like to say thank you to our incredible staff writers and editors who could not be reached at this time, but who have put so much work into making the magazine what it is.