American Horror Story: Hotel or Breaking Dawn Part 2?

[vc_row][vc_column width="2/3"][vc_single_image image="79504" img_size="full"][title type="subtitle-h6"]© Copyright 2015, FX Networks. All rights reserved.[/title][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]I really struggled watching this episode because it reminded me of the horrid Twilight movies; a vampire has a vampire baby, and all hell breaks loose because of it.  Sorry, Ryan Murphy, I saw Breaking Dawn Part 2 because my roommate made me, and I never wanted to watch it again.  Besides the plot line, I was also incredibly disappointed that we only saw the vampire child for two seconds.  If you’re going to make a demonic baby like that, I need to know what it looks like!  I want to know if the old saying “all babies are cute” applies to this child.Along with the borrowed plot line, I was let down by the lack of developing love stories in this episode.  For the first time, we hear about Liz and Tristan being in love (that is, of course, after a extremely steamy bedroom scene).  The fact that there was going to a prolonged love affair made me excited, since we have only seen scorned lovers.  Sadly, this love story ends as soon as it begins; the Countess really doesn’t like to share her toys, and she kills Tristan so Liz can’t have him.  My kindergarteners know how to share better than her, and that’s just plain sad.That’s enough bashing on the episode for now.  I really did appreciate some parts of it, like the perspective from the Satan spawn--the unfocused picture and the discoloration made the viewer feel disoriented, almost not human.  The added background heartbeat throughout the episode really got my own heart going; it beat especially fast during the first of many psychotic breaks Lowe has, and I started to get anxious with him.  The way the nonverbal communication makes me feel is why I love American Horror Story so much.  Well, that and how disturbing it is.  Speaking of disturbing, I have yet to comment on the threesomes!  First of all, how have the two blonde models escaped our attention for so long; they were killed in the second episode, and they haven’t made an appearance until tonight.  Where have they been?  They had to be in the hotel the whole time, since they can’t get out!  Besides that huge lapse in the story, they have now decided that their purpose in afterlife is to have threesomes with the men in the hotel, and to make a bloody mess of it.  First the rude man in the hallway, now Lowe?  What busy bees they are.

Since I thoroughly enjoy making lists, here’s a small one about more highlights:

  1. We finally know what happened to Scarlett!

TG we finally know where Scarlett has been this whole time!  The funniest part is that Lowe comments on how much he loves his kids during this episode.  Do you, Lowe, do you really love them that much?

  1.  Will Drake says he’s in love with the Countess

Apparently the Countess has gotten Will Drake to fall in love with her, even though he said he doesn’t like women like that.  Poor Drake, if only you knew what your future now holds for you.

  1.  There’s another Ten Commandments murder

Lowe finds the murder and classifies it as “thou shalt not use the Lord’s name in vain”, but his past employers don’t care about his input.  I don’t think they care about anything, to be honest.

For next week, I really want to see more of my favorite character, Mr. James March.  I’m a little sick of seeing Alex so much, so I hope she takes a backseat in the next episode.  I am predicting that Donovan and Ramona make another attempt to hurt the Countess, but I am sure nothing will come of it.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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