American Horror Story: Hotel, Fools and Flatterers

[vc_row][vc_column width="5/6"][vc_column_text]The Countess has everyone eating out of her hands.  Though she says she feels powerless, she is the most powerful character on the show.  Why?  Because she indulges the fools and their flattery, convincing her lovers to do as she wants.  What a powerful woman, indeed.

Shall I make a list of all the boys she has wrapped around her finger?

  1. Donovan

Poor Donovan gets tricked, yet again, into loving the Countess.  She brings him back as a tool and protector, and he is all but willing to come back to her.  The sad part is, I thought he had changed and finally saw the Countess’ manipulating ways; that definitely isn’t true, and Ramona paid the price for trusting him.

  1.  Will Drake

Will Drake is tricked into loving the Countess, even though she is just using him for money.  He admitted very early on that he wasn’t interested in women, but somehow the Countess convinced him otherwise.  They have a small wedding--no cameras or photos, sneaky sneaky--and their wedding night does not seem to go as Drake had anticipated.  Will Drake can’t say that he wasn’t warned; Miss Evers told him he was making a mistake, and he made it anyway.  She did, however, keep her promise of being there when he...realized he was wrong.

  1.  Mr. March

March has been in love with the Countess since he saved her from suicide, and he has yet to let it go.  He confesses that the monthly dinners with her are the only highlights of his sad life, and she yells at him to leave her alone.  We come to find that he is of use after all, however.  She uses him to capture Will Drake, and for that, she should actually enjoy his company during dinner.

  1.  Valentino

The Countess finally finds Valentino, and though he seems to have a hold on her heart, she still manipulates him into doing her will.  The Countess tells him that she wants to turn the Hotel Cortez into their own fortress, and that Natasha is not invited.  She’s planning on killing Natasha, so the two lovebirds can be together.  Valentino doesn’t blink an eye, which says a lot about his character as a husband: he stinks.

These poor boys didn’t know what hit them, and hopefully they figure out soon just how cruel the Countess can be.  We do see who her one true love is, though, and it is definitely Valentino; she admits to loving boys that look just like him in order to heal her broken heart.  Let’s just hope that he doesn’t betray her, because I don’t know how she can get crazier.  Let’s also hope that he likes her son, because look what happened to Will Drake after he called the baby “ugly.”Next episode, I hope that they include more about the vampire children.  It seems like there is a bit of Lord of the Flies going on in that clan; the children are dividing themselves into proud vampires and ashamed vampires.  We know that they killed their families, but we will have to wait until next time to see if they kill one another.  Let’s just hope the cute little girl is not Piggy in this scenario, I really like her and her spunk.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


American Horror Story: Hotel in All its One-Liner Glory


American Horror Story: Hotel, Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde