Insomniacs Try To Fall Asleep

[vc_row][vc_column][title type="subtitle-h6"]Nora Herzog[/title][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="11/12"][vc_column_text]When the sensation of sleep fails,The first thing to go is the eyelids, then the cheekbones, the jaw,The fingertips, the toes,The longer limbs, the torso,And finally; the elbows and temple.[spacer height="20"]The last two stay to remind of discomfort—The elbows twinge rustily, remembering what it feels like to hit them,Scraping like echoes of rocks thrown in a dark tunnel.[spacer height="20"]The temples are something different,They throb and beat, like drums,Trying to dance the brain__awake______awake__________awakeSo that it can see what it looks like to feel invisibleSo it can understand how all things are only an extension of its awareness,How all things can come together,Converging on a single moment,_________________spinning and_________spinning and___spinning,Like a crooked spinning top that will not fall,The edges of perception ring inside the parameters of the skull,And all moments come together,Suddenly,Like the dip of a roller coasterYou are gone and lost inside the beauty of existenceThe kind of beauty that hurts too much to bear,The kind of beauty that death uses to mask its sadnessThat sacrifice uses to hide its tragedyThe kind that inadvertently brings tears to the eyes that cannot close,That will not close because this existence hurts too much to stay,But far too much to let go and risk losing the sight of perfection that the eyes can glimpseIn the small moments between pain and nonexistence.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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