All Web Content 2014 - 2019
I Love the Slant In My Eyes (And In Yours)
You may have noticed how people in TV and movies never say “goodbye” when they hang up on the phone. That’s just one of many things about the real world that media alters. What we see on the screen is not reality, but a warped, alternate version of reality, packaged for our consumption.
A Call for Change in Geek Culture
Any girl who has dabbled in nerd culture has probably heard phrases like “fake gamer girl,” “fake geek girl,” among other variations.
California Here We Come
Although The OC takes place in a rather unfamiliar social world where teenagers throw parties in the penthouse hotels their parents own and attend black-tie events on the reg, Schwartz manages to capture real life in the relationships he creates between the characters.
The Wild Vitality of We the Animals
As a literary medium, novellas incorporate elements of both the short story and the novel by drawing on the best parts of each.
“Sick Tunes, Y’all” – Abby’s Guide to April Music Releases
Suffering through the last few months of winter may have been a whole lot worse if it weren’t for the built up anticipation I felt when learning of all of the new releases that were promised within the month of April.
The Feminist Controversy Surrounding Mad Max: Fury Road
We're so accustomed to seeing women in action movies as the sidekick or as a damsel in distress that we don't even question it anymore.