American Horror Story: Roanoke, Cricket, Gaga, and Lost Boys...Oh My!

[vc_row][vc_column][title type="subtitle-h6"]Shannon Murphy[/title][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="11/12"][vc_column_text]Flora has gone missing for over 72 hours, which Lee reminds us is not the best in terms of mortality.  Along the way, they find disturbing half-doll, half-pig murder signs, which are taunting poor Lee and her family.  With these clues leading to an abandoned barn, they find bodies, but not the kind Lee wants to find.Is it just me, or did the lost boys get underplayed in this episode?  The characters found teenage boys drinking milk from a pig, yelling strange words and wearing virtually no clothes, and they just continue on like nothing happened?  Sure, they call the police, but it cuts straight back to the hunt.  If you’re going to introduce these wild boys, at least give them more than two minutes of camera time.  I’m a curious creature, I need to know why they are here!Speaking of curious creatures, Lee’s ex-husband joins the search team, only to suggest that Lee has set this whole thing up herself.  She's probably kidnapped Flora and bussed her down to Florida.  This is why he’s not a detective, because that seems like a low-blow, shot-in-the-dark move to me.  Well, karma came back and got him, because he’s now roasting in the afterlife.  Here we thought the Roanoke weren’t happy with Lee, Matt, and Shelby, but they’re actually solving their problems.  No more ex-hubby to get in the way!You know who is a good detective?  Cricket.  He just saunters in like he owns the place, and tells the family that he’s got this in the bag.  Though he seemed a bit shaky when chatting with the Butcher, I think he really knows his stuff.  I think he’s going to be quite the interesting character, and I hope they continue to show him.  He’s by far my favorite, and he was only in half the episode.Now onto the real star of the show: Lady Gaga as Crazy Forest Lady.  Like many of her cult victims, Lady Gaga gets the Butcher to sell her soul, forever living in the crazed and dazed state that she herself inhabits.  She seems to hypnotize her, and gets her to eat the beating heart of a pig right out of her hand.  Lady Gaga is also quite the man stealer and she causes some marital tension between Matt and Shelby.  Can we just discuss how Shelby doesn’t even seem that mad that her husband was having glasses-fogging sex in the forest?  Maybe it was because she was so surprised, or that she was tired from all the searching, but I feel like there should have been more of a reaction there.I really hope the next episode shows more of Lady Gaga and Cricket, because those two are quite interesting and dynamic characters.  I’m tired of the always-petrified Lee, Matt, and Shelby, although Matt did surprise me tonight with his sexual antics.  I also want more Priscilla; if I were to write the next show, I’d have her slipping in and out of the camera shots, just enough where you can see her, but not enough to know what she looks like.  I want to be thrilled and freaked out, and that would surely do the trick.


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