American Horror Story: Roanoke presents Rationalizing the Irrational

[vc_row][vc_column][title type="subtitle-h6"]Shannon Murphy[/title][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="11/12"][vc_column_text]Hello everyone, and welcome back to the best season of the year: American Horror Story season.  I’ll be your host on this wonderful guide through the sixth season, which focuses on the Roanoke colony.For those of you who aren’t really sure what the Roanoke means, don’t worry: my roommates didn’t either.  After a quick trip to the Wikipedia page, we learned that they are a North Carolinian colony that mysteriously intriguing.  Though I didn’t do very extensive research, I found nothing about it being a ghost story.  That just makes it all the more exciting and harder to guess the ending for me.What I already love about this season is the new format.  Much like Snapped or really any type of “I can’t believe this happened to me” reality TV show, they have the dramatic reenactment of what the characters experienced.  We are watching a TV show that is also drama.  Inception.  Within this realm, we get to see our favorite actors play our other favorite actors, more inception.  It also lends us a little bit of guidance into who lives: Matt, Shelby, and Lee are all safe.  Spoiler.989-vanxvgxargg0kszgyppn2w0l7zfqykpw-mij-i4hv49d1t3tlaqhnk_itlcpu4wqsscehod7cfhiqptsii-uxkn43svxdjbaybamfnji4cfuwjz9ov5ogfrmctwqrvie4hvqThe theme for the second show seems to be “rationalizing the irrational”, the key phrase that crazed Elias Cunningham gives us at-home viewers through his documentation.  Everything is up for questioning: why are there people in the woods?  Where does this cellar lead to?  Where is my child hiding this time?  Why did I just run over a colonial woman?  Why is she not on the wing of the plane churning butter?  All very valid questions, but ones that I wouldn’t be wandering around the woods or in a dust-ridden home to figure out.The reasons for the unreasonable are also just absurd.  The fact that Matt thinks he had permanent brain damage from being pushed a little roughly by a street youth absolutely kills me.  That is not the reason you are seeing demonic nurses shooting the elderly, my friend.  It’s because your house is haunted.  What was that, Lee?  You got so drunk that you threw large butcher’s knives into the incredibly high ceiling with enough force for them all to stick?  Sounds logical.What do demonic nurses and colonial people have to do with each other, you ask?  I have no idea either.  I’m hoping that Priscilla will be the connecting factor here, since she seems to be the connection between the undead and the living.  Her scooping of Flora right under her mother’s nose was absolutely thrilling; I loved the closet scenes where Flora was talking to herself and told everyone they were going to die.  Very Sixth Sense of her.  Yet it seems that Priscilla may have lied, since she told Flora that she would die last, yet Flora was the one who disappeared into the woods, only to leave her sweatshirt behind on a five-thousand-foot tree.For the next episode, I’m hoping to find out how exactly that sweatshirt got up that tree.  Is the man-bear-pig able to climb trees?  Do they have really great throwing abilities?  Also, I predict that Lee is going to go off her rocker, and that she is going to disappear for a while, just like her daughter.  Maybe we can see Priscilla up close instead of conveniently through the dirty windows?  Sidenote: clean your house.  You’ve been living there for weeks and you still haven’t Windex-ed the windows?  Let’s hope that their cleaning gets a little better, then maybe we can see who it is that’s out there.


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