American Horror Story: Hotel Finale Gives All the Feels

[title type="subtitle-h6"]Shannon Murphy[/title][vc_row][vc_column width="11/12"][vc_column_text]I laughed, I cried, I gagged, I was made uncomfortable; American Horror Story: Hotel made me feel all the feels.  Because I so dearly appreciate lists, I’ll outline my thoughts and feelings about this season one last time.  I must stay consistent!

I laughed!

The writers did not skimp on the stupid quotes throughout the season, and they sure didn’t skimp on this episode.  Here are my LOL moments:

  1. “A Japanese wonder toilet!” -Guests who are bound to be killed

Liz and Iris upgrade the Hotel Cortez, and what seems to be the most exciting part of it all?  According to guests, it is the Japanese wonder toilet.  Why, Ryan Murphy, did you feel the need to talk about a toilet during your finale?  “But Shan, it’s a Japanese wonder toilet!  You just wouldn’t understand unless you’ve used one!”  Good lord.

  1.  “Aww crap” -Iris

This was Iris’ response when she saw dead bodies again: “Aww crap.”  Nice and eloquent, Iris, very well said.  At least she didn’t comment on the new carpets being stained, which was Liz’s main concern.  No concern for human life, just the carpets and crap.

  1.  “No”-Tristan

When Tristan is channeled by medium Billie Dean Howard, I know I was expecting some heartfelt soliloquy about his love for Liz.  When Billie asks if he has anything to say, Tristan’s spirit just says “no”.  Shot down, Liz!

  1.  “Jawline for days” -Countess

I’m so delighted that this was the last line of the season.  First it was Donovan and cheekbones, now it’s some random guy in the Cortez and his jawline.  Thanks for keeping the theme of facial features persisting for extended periods of time, American Horror Story.

I cried!

  1. “You are to die for” -Liz

When Liz finally joins Tristan, they have an incredibly tender moment.  Tristan explains his hilarious answer to Billie Dean, and he explains why he was so distant from Liz after his death.  Liz and Tristan finally get the chance to be together, and I know I got a little misty watching it.  Go Liz, love is real!

  1.  When Liz rekindles her relationship with her son

There is a scene where Liz sees her granddaughter for the first time, and this happy family is too much to handle.  I’m so happy that Liz’s son accepted her back into his life, and she finally has a chance to have a true family.  Liz’s life, though riddled with despair and cancer, ends happily and surrounded with those who love her.

I gagged!

  1. Liz’s death scene was the most bloody one by far

Liz’s throat is slashed by the Countess, who wants to aid in her rebirth.  By using her razor-sharp fingernail, the Countess ends Liz’s life, but includes the flourish of an incredibly bloody death.  There is a shot where the audience sees the blood running--not dripping, running like a faucet--from the comforter onto the floor.  I can handle bloody scenes, but the blood waterfall was a little too disgusting for me.

I was made uncomfortable!

  1. Aileen.  Need I say more?

Aileen comes back for another Devil’s Night, and she makes me feel more uncomfortable than any other character on the show.  Her laugh is disturbing, and her sexual comments toward Billie Dean and John Lowe made my stomach churn.  I firmly believe that if Aileen doesn’t make you uncomfortable, then you are not a real person.  Just my opinion, maybe a real fact.

Well, that seems to wrap up my feels about this finale.  I’m sad to see the season end, but I’m glad I could share my love of American Horror Story with you all.  Thank you so much for reading my first column, I so greatly appreciate it.  Lastly, for my final prediction, I shall take a stab at the next season topic: American Horror Story presents Shannon’s Middle School Experience. Now that would be terrifying.Thanks everyone![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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