American Horror Story: Hotel Presents the Reasons I Couldn’t Eat Dinner

[title type="subtitle-h6"]Shannon Murphy[/title][vc_row][vc_column width="11/12"][vc_column_text]Note to self: don’t try and eat dinner (yes, Cheerios do count as dinner, don’t hassle me) while watching this episode.  You will only want to throw up four or five times if you do.  I’ll get back to that in a moment, but first, let me share the good news!Finally, the second-to-last episode of AHS Hotel gives me what I need: I finally learned why Sally always has tears on her face.  Hooray!  Well, not hooray for the death of Sally’s two lovers, but hooray for us viewers.  We learn that Sally, in her desperate need for love and commitment, sews herself to the two most grungy Grunge artists known to man.  While they are sewn together, the two die and Sally is left crying with the weird morph-suit guy assaulting her.  Very disturbing, and I’m still not sure where the morph-suit guy comes into play.Anyway, that train of thought brings me back to why I was deprived of my delicious apple-cinnamon Cheerios, thanks to American Horror Story:

  1. Sally’s two lovers choke on their own vomit while sewn to her, which is the cause of their death.

Sally sewed herself in between the two Grunge artists so that she could be close to both of them.  However, before this occurred, they were having a three-way with a lot of heroin involved (Side-note, why do the writers of this season feel the need to have a threesome in every episode?  It seems to me that the writers have some fantasies they are not willing to let go of…).  As a result of the massive amounts of heroin injected into their bodies, the two partners begin to vomit while they are sewn to Sally.  Both of them puke on her, and it’s disgusting.

  1.  Sally is starting to get under people’s skin, very literally

According to my count, there were at least five moments where different objects were entering the skin, and I was not a fan of that.  Sewing needles, IVs, and fingers all were shown digging deeply into people’s skin.  Sally sewed together three people this episode, and she also stuck her fingers into the Countess to get the bullets out.  From someone who is afraid of needles, I could not watch half of this episode.

  1.  Sally rips herself out of her--close--relationship

When Sally ripped herself free of the stitching that bound her to the two five-day-dead bodies, I had to put my cereal down.  The sound effects were so loud and incredibly disgusting that I contemplated turning off the show.  Did I mention I have a fear of needles?  Well, it stems from a deeper fear of things entering through my skin.  Ripping skin is one of my worst fears, very close to my fear of butterflies.  But I digress.

The coolest part, however, is how the writers tied together this season to previous seasons.  Lovers of American Horror Story know that each season is completely different, giving audience members to jump in at any time; I myself started at season four and then watched the previous three.  This season has so many nods to past storylines, I couldn’t be more content.  This episode was no exception: Queenie from Season Three shows up at the Hotel Cortez!  Queenie is one of the coven witches who is a human voodoo doll.  This, coupled with the similarities between murder house and the Hotel Cortez, has kept this fangirl very content.Alright folks, that wraps up the second-to-last AHS article!  Stay tuned for next week; I have a feeling that morph-suit guy is going to make another creepy appearance.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


American Horror Story: Hotel Finale Gives All the Feels


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