All Web Content 2014 - 2019
The Family of Things
As exhausting as it is to lie in bed after a night of dancing and think of creating some sort of remembrance, it’s more exhausting to try and actually do it.
University Theatre: What to See
A brief overview of the fantastic shows that are coming to University Theatre.
Who Are Your PubCom Editors-in-Chief?
Reading Illumination, or any other PubCom magazine, have you ever found yourself wondering who the masterminds are? The person leading a variety of intellectual, creative, and satirical writers? Have no fear, I interviewed the Editors-in-Chief!
The Personal is Political
Artwork by Elizabeth McGillis Drayna from our Spring 2019 Submission Call
Winter So Long
Madison winters are known to drag into the season of spring, unfortunately not putting us in the most excited spirits for the next month or two. This winter has been tremendously cold, compared to most, and seemingly happens to also be a winter that’ll last a long while.
Budweiser™ Stole My Idea™
On February 3rd, 2019, during the 896th Super Bowl commercial break, I saw an ad that shook me to my core.
Madison Plays in February
Looking for something to do in February? Spend a chilly evening at one of Madison’s many theatre productions.
A Few of My Favorite Things
While the longest government shutdown in history continues, hate speech is on a rampage, and winter storms sweep the nation, here are some good things to focus on in 2019.