All Web Content 2014 - 2019
The Light in the Morning
I often think aboutwhat I should do with the light in the morning
Gravity Rush 2: Class Strife, Revolution and Flying Cats
Gravity Rush 2 is the most charming, memorable mess I've played in a long time.
Juno – Redefining Womanhood
Juno received critical acclaim and was a box office success despite its release as a relatively low-budget, independent film in 2007. Its lasting cultural power is but a testament to its creativity, innovation, and most importantly, its humanity.
FACADES and In the Light of Naples
FACADES: Photographs by Markus Brunetti, could not have been brought to my attention at a more perfect time. The exhibit was on view this past fall at the Chazen Museum of Art.
The Circle: A Glimpse into Our Future
The Circle is an eerie and thought-provoking read; it illuminates troubling similarities between a dystopian society and our current technology-obsessed environment.
Friends: A Lesson from the Living Rooms
Friends is still a must-watch because it reminds today’s audiences of the value of in-person communication.
2016's Video Game Movies: From Bad to Awful
I spent winter break watching all five of these movies (because I hate myself). Here they are, ranked from least bad to the absolute worst.
Why Were 2016's Polls so Inaccurate?
Earlier this fall, most polls had predicted there being at least a 70% chance of Hillary Clinton winning the presidential election.
A Brutalism Apologist Speaks
Exposure to the theory that the George L. Mosse Humanities Building is riot-proof has become as much of a rite of passage in the life of the common UW Madison student as getting lost in the maze-like structure itself.
Three Powerful WWII Novels That Are Worth the Read
Expand your understanding of WWII with these compelling, critically acclaimed novels.
Who Should Rory End Up With? No One
Gilmore Girls serves as a reminder of how meaningful, healthy and caring relationships with the women in my life can be.
I Love the Slant In My Eyes (And In Yours)
You may have noticed how people in TV and movies never say “goodbye” when they hang up on the phone. That’s just one of many things about the real world that media alters. What we see on the screen is not reality, but a warped, alternate version of reality, packaged for our consumption.
A Call for Change in Geek Culture
Any girl who has dabbled in nerd culture has probably heard phrases like “fake gamer girl,” “fake geek girl,” among other variations.