All Web Content 2014 - 2019

Culture, Essays Illumination Publications Culture, Essays Illumination Publications

Authenticity in Authorship

You will often hear people say, “write what you know,” or “write from experience.” But if that were true, what could be said about the existence of fantasy, science fiction, surrealism, and similar genres?

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Culture, Film Illumination Publications Culture, Film Illumination Publications

I Believe in Unicorns, Do You?

A powerful film produces personal resonance. It has emotional poignancy, cultural pertinence, and perhaps provokes one intellectually. Rarely have I watched such a movie and said, “I connect with this. I have experienced this.” Even more rarely have I watched a movie and said, “I connect with this. But I have not experienced this.”

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Culture Illumination Publications Culture Illumination Publications

American Horror Story: Hotel, Fools and Flatterers

The Countess has everyone eating out of her hands. Though she says she feels powerless, she is the most powerful character on the show. Why? Because she indulges the fools and their flattery, convincing her lovers to do as she wants. What a powerful woman, indeed.

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Culture, Essays, Film Illumination Publications Culture, Essays, Film Illumination Publications

Horse Money and Full-Blown Ambiguity

"As a newcomer to Costa’s work who had read some of these praises and criticisms prior to watching the film, I felt like I knew what I was in for, or would at least have somewhat of a head start with understanding the film. Boy was I wrong."

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